A week Solo Travelling NYC with the Leica Q2 📷

One of my top recommendations as a solo travel photographer going to New York City would be going to the Summit One Vanderbilt Viewing Deck. I was blessed with stunning autumn light and the view of the city on this insanely beautiful, bright & clear morning was 110% worth the money. I LOVED the reflections everywhere and the warmth that the mirrors brought. From friends who live in the city they’ve told me that this platform is worth going in all weathers - the moody skies can also help to amplify the skyline.

A large portion of my time in NYC was taken up with Phil Penman and the Leica Akademie course, this being the reason I went to America in the first place. However, I managed to explore some really incredible places during my week there. Central Park in the autumn is breathtaking, the colours are unmatched and as a photographer it's a goldmine. Doing the Staten Island ferry at golden hour is also an unforgettable experience, some of my favourite photographs I have taken to date were shot then, as you can see below.

Shot on Leica Q2 during golden hour on the Staten Island Ferry (edited with Lightroom)

My top 5 places to visit as a solo travel photographer to NYC would be:

  1. One Vanderbilt Viewing Platform

  2. Staten Island Ferry

  3. Central Park - different times of day throughout your stay

  4. 34th Street

  5. New York Public Library

I walked a LOT of the city, though the subway is a great hotspot for street photographer, I actually averaged at 45,000 steps a day! This was so I could see everything, I saw SO much more of the city than I thought was possible. Going by foot will give you the chance to explore some of the less “famous” streets in between the big hotspot places. I often walked from the south entrance of central park all the way down to Soho, Lower Manhattan and Chinatown, taking different streets along the grid system. Chinatown is a great space for photography with it’s vibrant colours and busy atmosphere.


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